Saturday, February 18, 2012


People nowadays like to misuse a lot of words or phrases like "kiasu" and "kepo".
Why I said so? This is due to when you say you want to learn something then another person will say: this fellow "kiasu"! Sigh. I hope everyone do have equal treatment and fair to everyone else. "Kiasu" is appropriate when there is only 1 person in a group of 30 who go learn a new skill and the rest just sit there and do nothing.

Then about "kepo", if you care your friend, what will you do? Go ask them about how they are doing! Do not wait until too late. This is what we called APPRECIATE. I appreciate the time I have with my friends. So, if you do not see or understand what is caring before too late but only remember to describe people "kepo", I can tell you will lose a lot.

Do not misuse any words.

1 comment:

  1. 哈哈,不要酱emo啦,有时就是好心被雷劈啦~~~
