12.12.2010 is the first day...
Owh O!
Someone is following me! She don't let me go! Someone HELPS! =)
A place that jot down my feel when I feel like expressing it...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
一二三四五六七 再来一次毙了你
F.I.R 流浪者之歌
流浪是牧羊人的方向 晴天阴天或是雨天
总不过问是谁的眼泪 流到最远的地方
九月的微风 吹得我好痛 蒲公英在飞翔
没有了方向 风中的你 轻轻说声要离去
我的天空永不会 永不会放晴
流浪是牧羊人的方向 晴天阴天或是雨天
总不过问是谁的眼泪 流到最远的地方
寂寞的野火 染红了天空
哪里才有我 停留的角落
从此以后 放逐自己 找不回笑容
流浪是牧羊人的方向 晴天阴天或是雨天
总不过问是谁的眼泪 流到最远的地方
流浪是牧羊人的方向 晴天阴天或是雨天
别再过问此刻多伤悲 就到最远的地方
F.I.R 流浪者之歌
流浪是牧羊人的方向 晴天阴天或是雨天
总不过问是谁的眼泪 流到最远的地方
九月的微风 吹得我好痛 蒲公英在飞翔
没有了方向 风中的你 轻轻说声要离去
我的天空永不会 永不会放晴
流浪是牧羊人的方向 晴天阴天或是雨天
总不过问是谁的眼泪 流到最远的地方
寂寞的野火 染红了天空
哪里才有我 停留的角落
从此以后 放逐自己 找不回笑容
流浪是牧羊人的方向 晴天阴天或是雨天
总不过问是谁的眼泪 流到最远的地方
流浪是牧羊人的方向 晴天阴天或是雨天
别再过问此刻多伤悲 就到最远的地方
Saturday, November 20, 2010
不想当乞丐的理由 编
有早知, 无乞丐,
早知今日, 何必当初..
自古以来, 改变初衷往往只带来无限悔意..
现在, 我又开始为自己所做的第二决定而感到不安..
这一刻, 仿佛所有的焦虑与烦恼同时找上门来了..
我又错了, 又再次高估自己那份一点都不吸引人的魅力或影响力,
之前我以为自己是那么的重要, 缺了我这角色让整个计划将会不欢而散..
现在才发现, 就算我去了也未必是完美的..
终于, 第二决定也给我带来了一些我更改第一决定的后悔..
说实在的, 我也该把那些不害羞的性格收起来,
大条道理用一些就好, 要不然, 自打嘴巴时可会贻笑大方...
忠于原著, 是每一位作者都告诉读者的一句话,
现在, 我也有必要把这句话烙印在心中..
以免悲剧的发生, 以免不悦的到来..
在这儿, 想分享一下这首歌..
孙燕姿的 我不难过:
又站在你家的门口 我们重复沉默
这样子单方面的守候 还能多久
虽然你还握着我的手 但我已不在你心中
我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我没有 陪在你身边 当你寂寞时候
别再看着我 说着你爱过
别太伤痛 我不难过 这不算什么
我也不懂 就让我走
回忆很多 你的影子也会充满我生活
我并不懦弱 你比谁都懂
虽然寂寞 这会是我 最后的宽容
虽然你还握着我的手 但我已不在你心中
我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我没有 陪在你身边 当你寂寞时候
别再看着我 说着你爱过
别太伤痛 我不难过 这不算什么
我也不懂 就让我走
回忆很多 你的影子也会充满我生活
我并不懦弱 你比谁都懂
虽然寂寞 这会是我 最后的宽容
抱紧我 再抱紧我
这一份感动 请你让我留在胸口
别再说 是你的错
爱到了尽头 是非对错
就让它随风 忘了所有 过得比你快活
我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我没有 陪在你身边 当你寂寞时候
别再看着我 说着你爱过 别太伤痛
我不难过 这不算什么
不要再说 或许这是最好的结果
现在分手 总好过你不爱我一拖再拖
松开你的手 离开你左右
我向前走 这会是我 真正的解脱
有早知, 无乞丐,
早知今日, 何必当初..
自古以来, 改变初衷往往只带来无限悔意..
现在, 我又开始为自己所做的第二决定而感到不安..
这一刻, 仿佛所有的焦虑与烦恼同时找上门来了..
我又错了, 又再次高估自己那份一点都不吸引人的魅力或影响力,
之前我以为自己是那么的重要, 缺了我这角色让整个计划将会不欢而散..
现在才发现, 就算我去了也未必是完美的..
终于, 第二决定也给我带来了一些我更改第一决定的后悔..
说实在的, 我也该把那些不害羞的性格收起来,
大条道理用一些就好, 要不然, 自打嘴巴时可会贻笑大方...
忠于原著, 是每一位作者都告诉读者的一句话,
现在, 我也有必要把这句话烙印在心中..
以免悲剧的发生, 以免不悦的到来..
在这儿, 想分享一下这首歌..
孙燕姿的 我不难过:
又站在你家的门口 我们重复沉默
这样子单方面的守候 还能多久
虽然你还握着我的手 但我已不在你心中
我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我没有 陪在你身边 当你寂寞时候
别再看着我 说着你爱过
别太伤痛 我不难过 这不算什么
我也不懂 就让我走
回忆很多 你的影子也会充满我生活
我并不懦弱 你比谁都懂
虽然寂寞 这会是我 最后的宽容
虽然你还握着我的手 但我已不在你心中
我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我没有 陪在你身边 当你寂寞时候
别再看着我 说着你爱过
别太伤痛 我不难过 这不算什么
我也不懂 就让我走
回忆很多 你的影子也会充满我生活
我并不懦弱 你比谁都懂
虽然寂寞 这会是我 最后的宽容
抱紧我 再抱紧我
这一份感动 请你让我留在胸口
别再说 是你的错
爱到了尽头 是非对错
就让它随风 忘了所有 过得比你快活
我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我没有 陪在你身边 当你寂寞时候
别再看着我 说着你爱过 别太伤痛
我不难过 这不算什么
不要再说 或许这是最好的结果
现在分手 总好过你不爱我一拖再拖
松开你的手 离开你左右
我向前走 这会是我 真正的解脱
Sunday, November 14, 2010
我已經 已經把我傷口化作玫瑰
我的淚水 已經變成雨水早已輪迴
我已經 已經把對白留成了永遠
忘了天色 究竟是黑是灰
分手傷了誰 誰把它變美(not important in this post)
我的眼淚寫成了詩 已無所謂
讓你再回味 字不醉人人自醉
因為回憶 總是美
我已經 已經把絕情變成了恭維
因為不配 你就忽然自卑說聲失陪
我已經 已經把沉默變成了懺悔
無路可退 只能無言以對
分手傷了誰 誰把它變美(not important in this post)
我的眼淚寫成了詩 已無所謂
讓你再回味 字不醉人人自醉
因為回憶 總是美
分手傷了誰 誰把它變美(not important in this post)
我的眼淚寫成了詩一首 無所謂
讓你再回味 字不醉人人自醉
My neighbour is in coma now since few weeks ago,
she is a 50+ years old lady(maybe 60+),
One day, she back hometown and want to collect the rubber
from rubber tree field,
then she rode her motor bike and went out..
Afterall, she dint come back..
She was crash by a car(most probably) and,
nobody has any idea on who did this to her and
never send her to the hospital..
She was a good cook who always cook some food and
made some cookies for my family,
Share some local product
that she bought from her hometown with us..
But now...
No matter how,
I hope there is still a day for her
to see and feel the sunlight..
Hope her family can stay strong..
God bless her!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
感情过于丰富? 为什么每一次都比别人多事呢?!
真的好想抹杀了一切感情细胞, 好让自己能够多关心自己...
无聊时, 我就在这儿发疯;
空闲时, 我都不好做功课;
神经失常时, 就好像你这样读着我无聊时写的神经论...
真的好想抹杀了一切感情细胞, 好让自己能够多关心自己...
无聊时, 我就在这儿发疯;
空闲时, 我都不好做功课;
神经失常时, 就好像你这样读着我无聊时写的神经论...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Feel like going out and enjoy the natural... Who can go with me... =S
I think, I should bring my mp3 and then go and hike... Thats the only thing I can bring i guess...
I think, I should bring my mp3 and then go and hike... Thats the only thing I can bring i guess...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Semester 5 in TARC and in my result last semester is 4 A 1 B+...
The most disappointed thing is my Principle of Finance...
The most shameful thing I did in exam hall... I laugh and happy because the paper got 2 calculation question in this semester... I FELT GLAD and LAUGH IN MY HEART...
The most stupid thing was... I realised that I can't even solve one of the calculation question... So... I lost about 10marks on that calculation question which I FELT GLAD... So the paper FELT GLAD and I felt Go Laugh And Die(GLAD) now...
Anyway, if I was old LingGeeFoo, I think sure I complaining this and that.. Haha! But I just share with my frens that do not feel happy once u see there is something you like.. You might can't own or solve it! haha!
GPA 3.9 which I think is acceptable... So, 4 flat is still waiting me to chase IT! Once I got 4 flat, I should take some time for me to rest.. = =!
The most disappointed thing is my Principle of Finance...
The most shameful thing I did in exam hall... I laugh and happy because the paper got 2 calculation question in this semester... I FELT GLAD and LAUGH IN MY HEART...
The most stupid thing was... I realised that I can't even solve one of the calculation question... So... I lost about 10marks on that calculation question which I FELT GLAD... So the paper FELT GLAD and I felt Go Laugh And Die(GLAD) now...
Anyway, if I was old LingGeeFoo, I think sure I complaining this and that.. Haha! But I just share with my frens that do not feel happy once u see there is something you like.. You might can't own or solve it! haha!
GPA 3.9 which I think is acceptable... So, 4 flat is still waiting me to chase IT! Once I got 4 flat, I should take some time for me to rest.. = =!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A Voice
There is no 100% guarantee in life, sometimes a person tell you about THIS and ask you not to do this, but eventually you will realise he or she is going to do "THIS"...
Disappointed? Yes but not 100%.
Sad? No because it is not worth.
What to do next time? Open your eyes and accept the coming LIES.
Disappointed? Yes but not 100%.
Sad? No because it is not worth.
What to do next time? Open your eyes and accept the coming LIES.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My Way
A 5 star sudoku is like a complicated problem.. The first stage that one can solve is only those numbers that hide on the surface. The second stage that one have to go through is hide beneath the surface which need one to dig a hole to see through it. The third stage is to complete the sudoku using the hints from first and second stage. So, a complicated problem that I cannot solve in my life should go through 3 stages too, first stage is to see, second stage is feel, and finally try to solve and or forget about it.
5 years
Eason Chen sang a song named "10 years", and my heart played a full list of sad songs for 5 years...
Why the young gf is so stupid, immature, can't differentiate what is right and wrong until I did something that had become HIstory in my life...
Innocence? That time I was still young so I can forget about what I did 5 years ago easily?
I remember that, last time, I used to write my HIstory in my chinese paper... Even SPM I also wrote about it.. My chinese subject teacher also ask, "is there really a person I wrote exist?"
I dont think so that I could write it out here...
Well, thx for your little talk with me just now.. Even though it is short and I keep on waiting for your reply.. I know you are trying to help me... Hope to see a new suggestion from you.. Save the pity soul.. I beg you..
true writer
Why the young gf is so stupid, immature, can't differentiate what is right and wrong until I did something that had become HIstory in my life...
Innocence? That time I was still young so I can forget about what I did 5 years ago easily?
I remember that, last time, I used to write my HIstory in my chinese paper... Even SPM I also wrote about it.. My chinese subject teacher also ask, "is there really a person I wrote exist?"
I dont think so that I could write it out here...
Well, thx for your little talk with me just now.. Even though it is short and I keep on waiting for your reply.. I know you are trying to help me... Hope to see a new suggestion from you.. Save the pity soul.. I beg you..
true writer
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Fall in love with this song!
Going to sing k on tuesday I think, Ngee Ming promised to post detail information on FB by today, I think he won't make it... AS USUAL.. LOL!
So lonely nowadays.. T,T
Going to sing k on tuesday I think, Ngee Ming promised to post detail information on FB by today, I think he won't make it... AS USUAL.. LOL!
So lonely nowadays.. T,T
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hope.. (= I am talking nonsense.. =)
Hope will only bring pains,
even though the family have awaited for about a year times,
when there is a hope, they can still pretending they can live a happy life,
or enjoying what they have now.
When hope gone,
everything will turn into a nightmare,
the smile with least joyness,
pretending act on face everyday,
all gone and go down again...
even though the family have awaited for about a year times,
when there is a hope, they can still pretending they can live a happy life,
or enjoying what they have now.
When hope gone,
everything will turn into a nightmare,
the smile with least joyness,
pretending act on face everyday,
all gone and go down again...
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Past Tense
I really hope that one day, one day that I will forget the past,
One day that I will lost all my past memories,
One day that I can free from what I always suffer,
One day that I truly having a new life,
I really hope that day will come!
I love the song JiShiBen......
Today it made me ... once again...
One day that I will lost all my past memories,
One day that I can free from what I always suffer,
One day that I truly having a new life,
I really hope that day will come!
I love the song JiShiBen......
Today it made me ... once again...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Happiness/Sadness in front.. The truth behind...
"我怕就怕 失望
Ya, happiness or sadness is always show on the face...
But the truth will never appear is always behind the smile or cry..
Today, 3 stabs...
Hehehe... Can't smile anymore la... Can't laugh...
Wanna shout, nobody will hear... What to do?!
Write lo... But people will still know right? I am sure you do...
不想让人看见的事实, 却被锐利的双眼看见...
第一, 一句真言加一个笑容
第二, 一只手对问题的回答
" 假装多好我只要
只想要再拥有一秒 "
Ya, happiness or sadness is always show on the face...
But the truth will never appear is always behind the smile or cry..
Today, 3 stabs...
Hehehe... Can't smile anymore la... Can't laugh...
Wanna shout, nobody will hear... What to do?!
Write lo... But people will still know right? I am sure you do...
不想让人看见的事实, 却被锐利的双眼看见...
第一, 一句真言加一个笑容
第二, 一只手对问题的回答
" 假装多好我只要
只想要再拥有一秒 "
Saturday, July 31, 2010
When i woke up today I read the newspaper...
I saw one article is regarding the traffic police saman a girl who talking on phone using handsfree..
The detail i think everyone can refer to the newspaper China Express last page of the A part...
Then a song come into my mind!!
马来西亚风俗好的国家... 啦啦啦啦
马来西亚有好多的警察... 啦啦啦啦
I saw one article is regarding the traffic police saman a girl who talking on phone using handsfree..
The detail i think everyone can refer to the newspaper China Express last page of the A part...
Then a song come into my mind!!
马来西亚风俗好的国家... 啦啦啦啦
马来西亚有好多的警察... 啦啦啦啦
Sunday, July 4, 2010
100th POST
Finally reach 100... =)
Life still same..
Looking for changes..
More and more of changes I wanted to have..
Life still same..
Looking for changes..
More and more of changes I wanted to have..
Tired to see what I always saw,
Tired to hear what I heard everyday,
Tired to do what I did in the past,
Allow me to reborn,
I beg YOU..
Treat everyone fairly n equally...
Tired to hear what I heard everyday,
Tired to do what I did in the past,
Allow me to reborn,
I beg YOU..
Treat everyone fairly n equally...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wanna travel around the world, Alone or With Friends..
I wanna go travel around the world so freaking bad!!!! BUT I need money(which i dont have now), time(too much to be spent now), energy(lots of extra and can't finish thats why i am still here for now) and parents' permission... Haha! China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea... USA, UK, AUS, NZ and ......
I don't mind to mix with other culture.. Coz I won't mind what level or standard is used to measure the status of human..
I wanna go travel around the world so freaking bad!!!! BUT I need money(which i dont have now), time(too much to be spent now), energy(lots of extra and can't finish thats why i am still here for now) and parents' permission... Haha! China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea... USA, UK, AUS, NZ and ......
I don't mind to mix with other culture.. Coz I won't mind what level or standard is used to measure the status of human..
Saturday, June 19, 2010
4 Mixed( Happy + Angry + Sad + Guilty ) Dream
Finally, I saw my aunt's face 2 hours ago, I wanted to see her in my dream since long long time ago.. The dream began with I received a msg that my aunt was sent to the hospital.. I rushed to the hospital and I saw 1 patient was heavily sick, she was help by the doctor to get onto the bed... I dunno who was the patient coz I duno who she was.. Beside the pity woman, a girl was standing beside her.. Then, I felt nervous and tried to call my aunt.. What I found was, the cellphone rang in front of me... My aunt, was the woman who I can't recognise before this.. I cried in my dream... I felt very happy coz I can finally see her again.. She was old and heavily sick this time.. When I tried to touch her face, I woke up and cried for real... This is the third time I cried after my dream...
Once I woke up, I tried not to sleep anymore because its 10 o'clock now.. Perhaps I was too tired, I slept again.. And now, I dream I go for a visit to my aunt after some time.. I can't found her anymroe.. This time, the girl who stand beside my aunt in the first dream was arguing with a nurse... I duno what the nurse done, but when i heard something like the nurse was done some mistake and my aunt was gone, I can't control myself and wanted to kill the nurse.. But I woke up not long after that coz I was too shocked with myself...
I still remember the first time I met her in my dream was the few weeks after she passed away, I saw her but she couldn't recognise me... This was the first time i cried after my dream... The second time I cried after my dream when I saw her back in my dream for 3 to 5 seconds..
I just can't forgive myself for the stupid mistake I made...
Once I woke up, I tried not to sleep anymore because its 10 o'clock now.. Perhaps I was too tired, I slept again.. And now, I dream I go for a visit to my aunt after some time.. I can't found her anymroe.. This time, the girl who stand beside my aunt in the first dream was arguing with a nurse... I duno what the nurse done, but when i heard something like the nurse was done some mistake and my aunt was gone, I can't control myself and wanted to kill the nurse.. But I woke up not long after that coz I was too shocked with myself...
I still remember the first time I met her in my dream was the few weeks after she passed away, I saw her but she couldn't recognise me... This was the first time i cried after my dream... The second time I cried after my dream when I saw her back in my dream for 3 to 5 seconds..
I just can't forgive myself for the stupid mistake I made...
Friday, June 11, 2010
I AM _____, This is the _____
If you ask me... am i SELling my FISH? I will ask you what cost you gonna pay to get the fish?!
When u tell me that u cant pay me a high cost, I will just ask you to go home with your money...
Then, the guy ask me why can't i just sell the fish to him with a cheaper price?!
I reply him:" this is the REAL ITalY fish...."
When u tell me that u cant pay me a high cost, I will just ask you to go home with your money...
Then, the guy ask me why can't i just sell the fish to him with a cheaper price?!
I reply him:" this is the REAL ITalY fish...."
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What for I go and care for so many things?
There are actually uncountable things in this world that I have to care but why am I wanted to care part of it??
I should not keep any of it in my mind!!
Life is still going on even though I din't think of it for a second...
I should not care anything outside of me start from now?!
Maybe I should first take care all my own stuff first...
The first thing is, my right hand, I really can't bear it anymore.... HE is now GROWTH and have HIS own life!! I can't stop it from shaking HIMSELF anymore... What can I do!!!
I am tired... I should rest from now on...
There are actually uncountable things in this world that I have to care but why am I wanted to care part of it??
I should not keep any of it in my mind!!
Life is still going on even though I din't think of it for a second...
I should not care anything outside of me start from now?!
Maybe I should first take care all my own stuff first...
The first thing is, my right hand, I really can't bear it anymore.... HE is now GROWTH and have HIS own life!! I can't stop it from shaking HIMSELF anymore... What can I do!!!
I am tired... I should rest from now on...
Monday, June 7, 2010
Is this REAL??
No matter what I said, it was useless...
No matter what I thought, it was pointless...
At last, Nobody could change anything that happened in the past...
This is True... and This is the Truth...
But there are methods that we can make use to halt the tragedy,
and there are steps that we must take in order to change, to make a better future...
No matter what I thought, it was pointless...
At last, Nobody could change anything that happened in the past...
This is True... and This is the Truth...
But there are methods that we can make use to halt the tragedy,
and there are steps that we must take in order to change, to make a better future...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Frens.. Help or Help by..
The day I found myself on the isolated island, was the day I knew a friend so called Lonely...
I felt weird with HIM, but HE made me understood one value...
When HE is here with me, my life is still colourful...
When HE is gone from here, my life is only a black line and white paper and nothing else...
Just like a human standing in front the white background,
and only able to see a long wide road which is empty all the way in front of the human...
I felt weird with HIM, but HE made me understood one value...
When HE is here with me, my life is still colourful...
When HE is gone from here, my life is only a black line and white paper and nothing else...
Just like a human standing in front the white background,
and only able to see a long wide road which is empty all the way in front of the human...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
To my Dear Fren
I found that this part of Nobody's Home is actually talking about you...
So i post it here hope that you can wake up or more people can find out what is actually happening...
Her feelings she hides
Her dreams she can't find
She's losing her mind
She's faling behind
She can't find her place
She's losing her faith
She's falling from grace
She's all over the place
So i post it here hope that you can wake up or more people can find out what is actually happening...
Her feelings she hides
Her dreams she can't find
She's losing her mind
She's faling behind
She can't find her place
She's losing her faith
She's falling from grace
She's all over the place
Monday, May 17, 2010
Mentally Sick
Last time i used to be acting in this way...
How I act last time? I can't tell... But it is very serious and caused a lot of unhappy incident...
These days, i found that the illness is back to me!
I need someone to Wake me Up!
How I act last time? I can't tell... But it is very serious and caused a lot of unhappy incident...
These days, i found that the illness is back to me!
I need someone to Wake me Up!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
心疼的玫瑰 半夜還開著 找不到匆匆掉落的花蕊
回到現場卻已來不及 等待任何回音都不可得
微弱的風箏 冬天里飄著 回不去手中纏線的那個
沒有藍天 又何必去飛 怎么適合
黑色笑靨掉了 雪白眼淚掉了 該出現的所有表情瞬間掉了
瞳孔沒有顏色 結了冰的長河 回憶是最可怕的敵人
故事情節掉了 主角對白掉了 該屬于劇中的對腳戲也掉了
胸口沒有快樂 斷了翅的白鴿 不枯萎的藉口全掉了
曾經唱過的歌 分享過的笑聲 在心中不斷拉扯
想念不能承認 偷偷擦去淚痕 冬天過了還是會很冷
回到現場卻已來不及 等待任何回音都不可得
微弱的風箏 冬天里飄著 回不去手中纏線的那個
沒有藍天 又何必去飛 怎么適合
黑色笑靨掉了 雪白眼淚掉了 該出現的所有表情瞬間掉了
瞳孔沒有顏色 結了冰的長河 回憶是最可怕的敵人
故事情節掉了 主角對白掉了 該屬于劇中的對腳戲也掉了
胸口沒有快樂 斷了翅的白鴿 不枯萎的藉口全掉了
曾經唱過的歌 分享過的笑聲 在心中不斷拉扯
想念不能承認 偷偷擦去淚痕 冬天過了還是會很冷
Monday, May 10, 2010
Just now, I saw my friend's post... I saw her friend's comment...
The comment make me think about what is the meaning of CARING actually is.
But I just really don't get it, the meaning of CARING!
Her friend is actually helping her not to stuck in the same problem, this is showing her friend caring her, but the girl just ask the friend to...
Here confused me... Is that mean the girl do not need any care from friend?
Then why is she posting All the problem she face??
Can anyone TELL ME WHY?!
The comment make me think about what is the meaning of CARING actually is.
But I just really don't get it, the meaning of CARING!
Her friend is actually helping her not to stuck in the same problem, this is showing her friend caring her, but the girl just ask the friend to...
Here confused me... Is that mean the girl do not need any care from friend?
Then why is she posting All the problem she face??
Can anyone TELL ME WHY?!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Broga Hill 2
I'm BACK!?
Its been a while, I left the blogging habit again but now...
I am back again!!!
Today, we went to broga hill again... This is the second time i went to broga hill...
Without sleeping the last whole night, is REALLY suffering for people who wanna go travel or have fun at somewhere....
OmG... I just, closed my eyes, without SWITCH OFF the machine,
and lie on my bed for about 30 to 45 minustes...
This is the only time that i feel REST...
Idk why, but I just can't sleep...
No matter what, this will never stop me from going to Broga Hill...
At last, this is an another event that successfully carried out by us!!!
(I skipped all the story happened there as in I am exhausted now...)
After Broga, HHC has to FLY back to his house to pass his car to his mom...
Here, this was the first time that I can't stop my car before the "COLOURFUL CLOUD"
and I brought another 2 cars to pass the "Red Cloud"
as we can't stop ourselves when it turned from "Green Cloud" to "Red Cloud" in a short blink...
Then when HHC gone, we went to a restaurant.. Chinese restaurant...
To celebrate Mother Day?!
Ops, have to dinner now... Perhaps, someone can continue my story in their blog or FB there?...
Its been a while, I left the blogging habit again but now...
I am back again!!!
Today, we went to broga hill again... This is the second time i went to broga hill...
Without sleeping the last whole night, is REALLY suffering for people who wanna go travel or have fun at somewhere....
OmG... I just, closed my eyes, without SWITCH OFF the machine,
and lie on my bed for about 30 to 45 minustes...
This is the only time that i feel REST...
Idk why, but I just can't sleep...
No matter what, this will never stop me from going to Broga Hill...
At last, this is an another event that successfully carried out by us!!!
(I skipped all the story happened there as in I am exhausted now...)
After Broga, HHC has to FLY back to his house to pass his car to his mom...
Here, this was the first time that I can't stop my car before the "COLOURFUL CLOUD"
and I brought another 2 cars to pass the "Red Cloud"
as we can't stop ourselves when it turned from "Green Cloud" to "Red Cloud" in a short blink...
Then when HHC gone, we went to a restaurant.. Chinese restaurant...
To celebrate Mother Day?!
Ops, have to dinner now... Perhaps, someone can continue my story in their blog or FB there?...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
一整夜 翻阅过去画面
走一步又一步 我才发现绕了个圈
走了好几年 又回到原点
一整夜 翻阅过去画面
走一步又一步 我才发现绕了个圈
走了好几年 又回到原点
你送的礼物 会不会太特别 毫不避违 那不安的传言
但渐行渐远 习惯到没感觉 难道你早想要我走远
你送的礼物 在此刻好“体贴” 陪我回忆 把过往走一遍
穿了这些年 难免会有污点 就像每段爱 总会有终点
世上最残酷的 恐怕是时间
困住人 一切却还向前
困住人 一切却还向前
走一步又一步 却跟不上你的脚步
你满意了 为什麼我却只想要哭
你说做自己吧 我们都做回自己 哦~
你送的礼物 原来是一场劫
终於分别 宿命一样准确
可笑到想要 你赔给我时间
光著脚我一路奔跑 鲜血泪水一路狂飙
收起我的骄傲 承认曾经备受煎熬
鞋上那记号 只有你能明了
过了这一夜 希望全忘掉
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Nobody's Home
When you need me, I am there...
When I need you, you hide somewhere...
When you want to find me, you call my nickname...
When I find you, you call my full name...
I feel like.....
I couldn't tell you,
Why I felt that way,
I felt it everyday...
Friday, April 9, 2010
My life is so lifeless...
I realize that everyday, wake up in the morning the first thing to do is FB...
Other than FB, I enjoy my breakfast together with HK drama...
Then, I go and study and sometimes hang out with friends...
Is that all of my life?
I need some outdoor activities which are meaningful...
Like, go for a hike at countryside...
But I feel weird if i go alone... Is there anyone interested??
Rather than you stay at home and only FB all the time,
how about have a walk around the countryside?
how about have a walk around the countryside?
I feel bored of the country life...
I feel bored of the malaysian culture...
I want to get a new life!!!
Perhaps I can change my life soon...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Who is going to accompany me to eat at somewhere?!....
Haiz... Yesterday gave me a lot of hopes, today.....
Everyone have to accompany their family...
My family backed hometown...
Is that I should follow them back to hometown???
Mei Yen told me just now before she off msn...
This make me feel so sad and lonely~~~
Anyway, lonely is always with me... And I like the feel...
Btw, I would like to thank to one person who FORCED ME to see doctor...
Now I realised that HHC is able to influence my decision...
Otherwise, I guess I am still sleeping at home....
Thanks ya.. =.=
My Neck
I CANnot say that I am sick,
as I am still able to do everything i want.
I wonder what is the thing on my left neck,
I feel like wanna cut my whole left neck down.
as I am still able to do everything i want.
I wonder what is the thing on my left neck,
I feel like wanna cut my whole left neck down.
Oh my F GOD... Just one week left, then i will be sitting the final exam. Why the chosen person is ME?
When I am writing this, I suddenly hear a voice from my frIeNd, MEI YEN CHXX, she said is the thing on my left neck is from a PRINCESS... OMG!!!!! I hope that everyone can give me some rest on this MATTER~....
Finally, What I wanna SAY!!
When I am writing this, I suddenly hear a voice from my frIeNd, MEI YEN CHXX, she said is the thing on my left neck is from a PRINCESS... OMG!!!!! I hope that everyone can give me some rest on this MATTER~....
Finally, What I wanna SAY!!
HELP ME.........
Monday, March 29, 2010
When the day I promised myself not to say a vulgar word is actually a day that i lied...
Why I say so???
Because nobody is perfect...
Everybody is still doing the same thing even though they promised or said that they will change...
Everybody is still doing the same thing even though they promised or said that they will change...
Promises or Talk,
is actually nothing.... But just some bullshit from oneself....
I hate people bullshit, but I am also one of the bullshit-er...
What to do? This is life...
Cxxx Pxx and Lx Yxxx... When they are having PMS will automatically turn them into VW Queen... Especially yesterday and today....
Life, always full of bullshit-er like me and YOU...
What YOU can do is...
Become one of us... A bullshit-er...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Where should WE GO?!
Well, here are some suggestions that our CLASS TRIP should go for....
First choice - Pulao Pangkor
(jungle treking, beach, catch CRAB... and a lot of activities that u can plan)
Second choice - Genting Highland
(Sleep, Games, GAMBLE, ..........)
Third choice - A Famosa
(Waterpark, travel around Malacca, EAT EAT EAT, ZZZ)
Fourth choice - Port Dickson
(Fun water activities, .............................................................. idk....)
Fifth choice - Your Suggestion...
(jungle treking, beach, catch CRAB... and a lot of activities that u can plan)
Second choice - Genting Highland
(Sleep, Games, GAMBLE, ..........)
Third choice - A Famosa
(Waterpark, travel around Malacca, EAT EAT EAT, ZZZ)
Fourth choice - Port Dickson
(Fun water activities, .............................................................. idk....)
Fifth choice - Your Suggestion...
Sleepy Day + Earth Hour
1 hour, is this enough?
I THINK SO... It is enough for certain people... But NOT ME...
Today, originally wanna complete the presentation slide show part that going to happen on this Thursday... But, we din't...
One of the reasons is,
I slept the whole time when they are doing.... Someone should slap me earlier so that I wake up and help!!... (means next time can slap me as heavy as ur wish when you think you should wake me up...)
Today I FEEL superior DOWN... So So So So So EMO....
I might be stressed up... Someone HELP me....
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
About Case 39
Wanna make yourself feel scared in the lonely night?
Watch CASE 39......
I'm scared after watching the movie, so if you think you are a braver, you can watch this...
Anyway, if you choose not to watch(especially NGEE MING), that means you are scared of the movie, so what you can do is try to overcome your fear by watching this movie as your starting point!!!
"This is just a new beginning of your life" by ..........
(someone who scared me)
Watch CASE 39......
I'm scared after watching the movie, so if you think you are a braver, you can watch this...
Anyway, if you choose not to watch(especially NGEE MING), that means you are scared of the movie, so what you can do is try to overcome your fear by watching this movie as your starting point!!!
"This is just a new beginning of your life" by ..........
(someone who scared me)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sem 3 which left only 20%......
Just CUT my hair....
I should say,
FINALLY!!!!!! I CUT MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My new hair style.... But only limited for today...... Because... I do not have much time to set my hair every morning.. >.<
Well, after i cut my hair, everything like go on smoothly...
For example,
just now, EVERY RED light Turn GREEN~~ Green is really nice colour you know!?(when u r in traffic jam... HEHE....)
Well Well, feel so sleepy... But luckily i still got mood and some little energy that is very scarce....
Before I go and sleep... I wanna repeat one sentence here!!!
(until further notice.. KEKE...)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A Day that Feel so Hopeless......
Hopeless... When you are alone...
Hopeless... When you are unhappy...
Hopeless... When you are out of idea...
I am hopeless guy......
Hopeless... When you miss her but you couldn't see her anymore...
Hopeless... When you see her but you couldn't recognize her anymore...
Hopeless... When you recognize her but you couldn't meet her anymore....
I am totally hopeless......
Yesterday I received 2 missed call... Actually not missed call but I purposely do not want to answer the call.... Haha...
I were doing this because I hate the person who called me.... Know why?!
Coz of $$~~~................ 20bucks.... The VIP called me 2 times.....
Today, I am enjoying my free time and really enjoying it, but suddenly VIP called me again...... Wow... My mood ALL GONE........ Luckily today she only call me once.......
I will show her the INTERNATIONAL SIGN that "MY MOM" taught me....
the international sign is.....
t=.= or t=.=t or =.=t
Friday, March 19, 2010
SCared of GUILTY
I am heartbroken recently... Maybe becoz of i saw a lot of things that comment about me....
Anyway, it does not affect my mood...
Anyway, it does not affect my mood...
Today, I went to be kelefeh again... Well, of course i knew that GORGEOUS woman will charge me FOR SOME SERVICE CHARGE AS SHE INTRODUCE ME THE JOB....(actually she introduce me to the job and charge me already 3times....)
But, luckily that my name is no longer under THE GORGEOUS WOMAN.....
I took 100 bucks today.... Here, I would like to say sorry to Ngee Ming because he only got 80 bucks....
On the other hand, I have known some people who work as a agent too today... This is what i feel so happy.... AS the money is going to SHOW A POSITIVE VALUE in my INCOME STATEMENT this month....
Next, I also knew auntie who need some people to help her to complete some survey form and get some..... ^^ I feel so GLAD that I am there today....
Lastly, IDK why, I feel guilty as i took 100 bucks without GIVING 20bucks to the GORGEOUS WOMAN.... Haiz... I need someone to tell me some ways to think so that it is worth to take back the 20bucks....
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