Finally!!! The BMS test and HE test also finish!! Wow? But there still no time to relax!!! Because our group assignment IA got to hand in next wednesday!!! OMGOSHHHHH..... We haven't done even 1 invoice!! Anyway i will gambateh tonight to finish all my week 4 and week 5 tutorial!!
BMS test.... Another Add. Math to me?? kinda like add. math!! Because all the syllabus i learning from chapter 1 to chapter 4 is already learned in additional math!! But today, a test made me very down, because i could not remember that the formulae and a lot of "old" knowledge that i learned in form 4 and form 5....
HE test... When we rushed into our class, our tutor haven't reach yet so we just sit there and look at the paper.... Then when tutor in, i saw him did not brought any paper on hand so i thought there got no test today... Out of the blue, he took out some transparency papers from a big folder.... What is that?!!!
It's our test questionssssS..LOL!! Haha we completed our HE and BMS test for DAC group 25! A hard week is coming!! Gambateh!
A place that jot down my feel when I feel like expressing it...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday got 4 tutorial classes, the first class is HE, second is ME, third is BMS, then the last one is ENG...
The first class, i got a test......
The second class, i need to do presentation......
The third class, i got a test.......
The forth class, i will got to do a presentation on the spot.......
OMG!!!!!~~~~~ SO SO SO STRESSFULL........
Before monday, got to discuss about the IA assignment with group, no time to study leh!!! T.T
Who can help me~~
Cham~~ No mood to write a long blog today... >.<~!
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My accounting.... BLUR~~~~~~~~
The first class, i got a test......
The second class, i need to do presentation......
The third class, i got a test.......
The forth class, i will got to do a presentation on the spot.......
OMG!!!!!~~~~~ SO SO SO STRESSFULL........
Before monday, got to discuss about the IA assignment with group, no time to study leh!!! T.T
Who can help me~~
Cham~~ No mood to write a long blog today... >.<~!
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My accounting.... BLUR~~~~~~~~
Anyone got watch the drama "The Greatness Of A Hero" ?? This is a really nice drama! If everyone in the world also like the main character in this drama。。。。。。 I just finish watching... Cannot pull myself out of the drama yet!! Going to lose control with the atmosphere...
I am a failure!! Why? I did nothing to help a guy who robbed by a robber!! The robber is just behind my car about 200-400 m only!! The robber punching the guy face from what i saw in the car!! Omg? Guess what is the time that the case happened.....
The answer is morning!!! Around 7.45am~! OMG! What on earth happening?? This is such as a ridiculous scene! Helpless... Desperate... N Hatefulness...
H1N1 is going to "conquer" KL? Nowadays a lot of news about Influenza A around my home area... Feel so scared to go outdoor now!
Lastly, today i saw the newspaper, the Mahkamah Islam is going to cut the hand of robber of thieves... This is the best suggestion i seen since i was in this world... ><
The answer is morning!!! Around 7.45am~! OMG! What on earth happening?? This is such as a ridiculous scene! Helpless... Desperate... N Hatefulness...
H1N1 is going to "conquer" KL? Nowadays a lot of news about Influenza A around my home area... Feel so scared to go outdoor now!
Lastly, today i saw the newspaper, the Mahkamah Islam is going to cut the hand of robber of thieves... This is the best suggestion i seen since i was in this world... ><
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Windy Noon
Today, a windy day then cames with a rain cat and dog at noon time... When i walking out the campus, i saw a tree root was pull out and leave the tree dying there, first i thought that was lightning that cut off the tree since i cannot see very clear from my view that was quite far away... Then my friends told me that somebody cut it but not because of lightning hit on it...
On the way home, i saw trees trunk block the road and a police car was in front of the tree trunk and making some "investigation" i think, haha i almost stopped on the spot and see what the police doing with the tree haha.... Then about 5 minutes past, i saw the ambulance was on the bridge, the ambulance was stuck in this traffic jam too... I think inside the car is only a empty bed.. (I am so good leh!!) I saw the ambulance stuck there too haha about 5-8 minutes we stuck in just 1 km distance until we reach Flamingo.... What the.... I used about an hour and 30 minutes only reach home... Tired... Nothing special today haha write next time!
On the way home, i saw trees trunk block the road and a police car was in front of the tree trunk and making some "investigation" i think, haha i almost stopped on the spot and see what the police doing with the tree haha.... Then about 5 minutes past, i saw the ambulance was on the bridge, the ambulance was stuck in this traffic jam too... I think inside the car is only a empty bed.. (I am so good leh!!) I saw the ambulance stuck there too haha about 5-8 minutes we stuck in just 1 km distance until we reach Flamingo.... What the.... I used about an hour and 30 minutes only reach home... Tired... Nothing special today haha write next time!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
H1N1 "invade"... Fire wall also cant kill them already! They already came in Malaysia.. What can we do to prevent this?? My mind only tell me that NO IDEA AT ALL..... Why?? Because when i walking on the street, 10 out of 9 of the residents also did not wearing a mask..(included me) Maybe because of i am inside the campus???
Today!! When i reach around Flamingo and i driving with a quite high speed around 80-90km/h on the bridge beside Flamingo, a driver who driving a RED Proton Wira with number plate WL 2522 (if i am not mistaken) suddenly want to overtake my car... His car at the left of my car then he try to overtake my car with the same speed but JUST A LITTLE BIT FASTER ONLY, he attempt to overtake my car!!! I did not horn my hon because that time i am stunned and i move my car almost crash the wall.... Is he trying to take my friend's life and my life away is more suitable in this situation?! If i did not press the break, I don't think so i still can write my blog tonight, perhaps i resting in any hospital around KL OR resting in peace.... touch wood,touch wood...
Why the driver action like this?? What do you guess?? Is he a professional driver?? Perhaps he is a skillfullness driver? Is that because he want to show me the different between a P driver and a old driver when they are on the road??
WRONG!!!!!!!! All the answers WRONG!!!! The answer is.... He is answering a call.... WTF?! Godly Angry!!!! Cannot calm down anymore!!!! I regret why didn't I HORN HIM UNTIL HE NOTICE there are another humans in the world who are driving also!! What the driver did, one day he will get what he deserve.... Am i a bad guy?? Like cursing the driver.... But, in realistic... If he is not the 1 who die, someone else will die because of his irresponsible!! Haiz i am bad... But i think i am better than him.... Am i correct?? My friends, please give me some comment when you read this... in chatbox also can...
Today!! When i reach around Flamingo and i driving with a quite high speed around 80-90km/h on the bridge beside Flamingo, a driver who driving a RED Proton Wira with number plate WL 2522 (if i am not mistaken) suddenly want to overtake my car... His car at the left of my car then he try to overtake my car with the same speed but JUST A LITTLE BIT FASTER ONLY, he attempt to overtake my car!!! I did not horn my hon because that time i am stunned and i move my car almost crash the wall.... Is he trying to take my friend's life and my life away is more suitable in this situation?! If i did not press the break, I don't think so i still can write my blog tonight, perhaps i resting in any hospital around KL OR resting in peace.... touch wood,touch wood...
Why the driver action like this?? What do you guess?? Is he a professional driver?? Perhaps he is a skillfullness driver? Is that because he want to show me the different between a P driver and a old driver when they are on the road??
WRONG!!!!!!!! All the answers WRONG!!!! The answer is.... He is answering a call.... WTF?! Godly Angry!!!! Cannot calm down anymore!!!! I regret why didn't I HORN HIM UNTIL HE NOTICE there are another humans in the world who are driving also!! What the driver did, one day he will get what he deserve.... Am i a bad guy?? Like cursing the driver.... But, in realistic... If he is not the 1 who die, someone else will die because of his irresponsible!! Haiz i am bad... But i think i am better than him.... Am i correct?? My friends, please give me some comment when you read this... in chatbox also can...
Monday, June 22, 2009
ME test!!! Already a past.... I wrong a question that should not be wrong!!! Haiz......... It's too late to think behind~~ It's too late!!!! Next coming monday, I will need to face HE test and also BMS test.... Nervous, Tension coming la....
A war with mosquito began!!! Just killed almost 20K of the mosquito in my room!! Wow?? I am already thin enough, mosquito still want to drink my blood.... Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Hate all of you MOSQUITO ARMY~!!!
Haiya!! Today at campus became very blurr... Maybe because of i never stop from joking with my friend? And my friend also never stop reply my joke and fool me too with her jokes... Haha, today my heart pump blood very very very fast!! Nearly make me faint when the blood in my brain is too much... Erm i think is PRESSURE too much is more correct than the blood... Wanna know why? Ask my college frens i think they can tell u a lot....
My secondary school friends always state that i am a scorpio and my attitude almost same as a scorpio... Ishhhh...... I will revenge de o if i got chance!! Hehe who i am talking to?? Secret..
Sleepy.. NitezzZ
A war with mosquito began!!! Just killed almost 20K of the mosquito in my room!! Wow?? I am already thin enough, mosquito still want to drink my blood.... Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Hate all of you MOSQUITO ARMY~!!!
Haiya!! Today at campus became very blurr... Maybe because of i never stop from joking with my friend? And my friend also never stop reply my joke and fool me too with her jokes... Haha, today my heart pump blood very very very fast!! Nearly make me faint when the blood in my brain is too much... Erm i think is PRESSURE too much is more correct than the blood... Wanna know why? Ask my college frens i think they can tell u a lot....
My secondary school friends always state that i am a scorpio and my attitude almost same as a scorpio... Ishhhh...... I will revenge de o if i got chance!! Hehe who i am talking to?? Secret..
Sleepy.. NitezzZ
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Tomorrow got 1 test, a Microeconomic test...... From the cover of the book, it looks like easy and interested, but from the book contents, I read and read for few hours already still cant remember all.... Maybe I am too tension? Stress? Haha, NO mood to read already....
I watch "The Greatness Of A Hero" today, felt like not bad, I think i cant read ME anymore since there was 1 great HongKong drama waiting me!! The book is quite thick.... No mood to read la!!! Btw, no mood doesn't mean no need read... >.<''
Continued on study made me fell asleep.............................. When i woke up, I hope to finish my ME ASAP, if i write my blog tonight mean i success, if i fail to write tonight, mean i fail to do what i WANT....
I watch "The Greatness Of A Hero"
Continued on study made me fell asleep.............................. When i woke up, I hope to finish my ME ASAP, if i write my blog tonight mean i success, if i fail to write tonight, mean i fail to do what i WANT....
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Today midnight, around 1am i slept. Then, 7am i woke up, 7.01am sleep again. 7.15am my fren called me and ask me to wake up now. 7.16am i sleep again.... Because my phone hang so nobody can call me or sms me.... 8am!!! I woke up again, this time i did not fell into sleeping mode but really awake... Then i continue my BMS question no. 7D that i cannot solve yesterday night!!!!(damn angry) I try everyway that i can, but i still failed to do it!!(DAMNDAMN ANGRY)
After that, on top of my head got 1 mini angel holding a white flag and SAID:" GIVE UP LA~~~~!!"... I gave up and went downstair and took my shower. I grab a bread on the table with my left hand, i grab all my ptptn document with my right hand and went to my friend house to fetch her together back to our secondary school....
Why i went back my secondary school? Because my friend told me that:"school got cocurriculum today, you try go back and see that teacher there or not.."
Before i reach school, i met my friend at her house then pass her a paper then fetch her to "Sheng Kei" to get her mom signature, then i finish my bread on the spot too. After that, she told me that she still needed to get 1 more signature from her mom after i drove the car to another street, then i fetch her back again to "Sheng Kei".
After the long incident, i found that i also need 1 signature from my mom, then i went back my home to get the signature.(Half an hour already PAST..............)
This time, WE ARE REALLY GOING TO THE DESTINATION WE WANT TO. After 5minutes, i parked the car at 7-11 beside SMKPM, then we walked to the main entrance with my friend. When we reach, we talk to the guard and asking permission for us to walk in to school, but she brought us some VERY SURPRISING NEWS!!!!!!!!!! She ask us to hold on there and she needed to make a call to ASK whether office open or not today.............. Inside my heart was SHOUTING at the top of my lungs: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today wake up SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EARLY FOR PTPTN, BUT NOW I CANT GET ANY SIGNATURE FROM SCHOOL OFFICE/GET BACK MY FORM FROM THE TEACHER..!!!!!
The guard put down her phone and asked us to come back again on Monday...(How i Feel? Can u imagine that?) ............................................................................................. only 1 word in my mind, SPEECHLESSNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
After that, on top of my head got 1 mini angel holding a white flag and SAID:" GIVE UP LA~~~~!!"... I gave up and went downstair and took my shower. I grab a bread on the table with my left hand, i grab all my ptptn document with my right hand and went to my friend house to fetch her together back to our secondary school....
Why i went back my secondary school? Because my friend told me that:"school got cocurriculum today, you try go back and see that teacher there or not.."
Before i reach school, i met my friend at her house then pass her a paper then fetch her to "Sheng Kei" to get her mom signature, then i finish my bread on the spot too. After that, she told me that she still needed to get 1 more signature from her mom after i drove the car to another street, then i fetch her back again to "Sheng Kei".
After the long incident, i found that i also need 1 signature from my mom, then i went back my home to get the signature.(Half an hour already PAST..............)
This time, WE ARE REALLY GOING TO THE DESTINATION WE WANT TO. After 5minutes, i parked the car at 7-11 beside SMKPM, then we walked to the main entrance with my friend. When we reach, we talk to the guard and asking permission for us to walk in to school, but she brought us some VERY SURPRISING NEWS!!!!!!!!!! She ask us to hold on there and she needed to make a call to ASK whether office open or not today.............. Inside my heart was SHOUTING at the top of my lungs: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today wake up SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EARLY FOR PTPTN, BUT NOW I CANT GET ANY SIGNATURE FROM SCHOOL OFFICE/GET BACK MY FORM FROM THE TEACHER..!!!!!
The guard put down her phone and asked us to come back again on Monday...(How i Feel? Can u imagine that?) ............................................................................................. only 1 word in my mind, SPEECHLESSNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Curse You!!! Hand itchy guy!!!
When i am free, i do nothing... "OMG" was the only word that i spoke today... Why?!!
First is because of journal writing 1 in english tutorial class...
Second is because i got to rush for my document sokongan at midnight time....(more hardworking than burn midnight oil)
Third is because i got to wake up very early by today morning.................................................
OMG!!!!!!!!! I am dying.... Someone help me to solve all these problems PLEASE!!!!
When i noticed the car side was damaged, I REALLY WANNA SAY OMG non-stop... I nearly faint because i am answering a phone call, friend talking with me at the same time, one more friend telling me my car side was...................................(Really hope the person who scratched my dad car get any skin disease around his hand!!!)
I really going to faint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't withstand this much of pressure... =.= PERHAPS......
First is because of journal writing 1 in english tutorial class...
Second is because i got to rush for my document sokongan at midnight time....(more hardworking than burn midnight oil)
Third is because i got to wake up very early by today morning.................................................
OMG!!!!!!!!! I am dying.... Someone help me to solve all these problems PLEASE!!!!
When i noticed the car side was damaged, I REALLY WANNA SAY OMG non-stop... I nearly faint because i am answering a phone call, friend talking with me at the same time, one more friend telling me my car side was...................................(Really hope the person who scratched my dad car get any skin disease around his hand!!!)
I really going to faint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't withstand this much of pressure... =.= PERHAPS......
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Today, I do not know why the car aircond did not function well, so I let the fan in the car operated without releasing any COLD AIR that i need in DEEP.... When my friend want to take her bag from my car, she came to my car outside the entrance of TarC(where i wait) and followed me to look for a parking lot around the housing area, then i told her that the AIRCOND VERY NAUGHT today....
Out of the blue, she asked me to open the window is better than you open the "aircond" that did not releasing cold air. Haha, the air outside the car is really colder compare the air from the AIRCOND....
Erm, i do not know how much all of you can understand from this post, i can describe more if you ask me when you see me. So tired now, my mind rotate super slow today... So i go to my bed now....
Out of the blue, she asked me to open the window is better than you open the "aircond" that did not releasing cold air. Haha, the air outside the car is really colder compare the air from the AIRCOND....
Erm, i do not know how much all of you can understand from this post, i can describe more if you ask me when you see me. So tired now, my mind rotate super slow today... So i go to my bed now....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ice Skating
Today, I drive the car around TarC.... I saw MPAJ officer writing saman and put on tarcian cars... I am looking for parking lot that time, there is totally no more parking lot in the housing area.... At last, i found a parking lot which was very faRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR away from the main entrance of TarC.... My friends and I got to walk a long JOURNEY only can reach the TarC entrance...
Yesterday, 1 of my friend unluckily fell down; Today, 1 of my friend shoes not suitable to her leg and made her got to Walk Hard..... Haha?? God fooling us I think?? Or only fooling my friend?? Walk with a not suitable shoes is just like some sort of abuse... Because i tried before!! (By the way, I laugh in my heart since I been experienced before >.<) (I AM EVIL...)
That incident happened few weeks ago, i went sunway pyramid with my friends and we went ice skating that day... I used to wear a very small size shoes which was just fitted the length of my leg but not the width of my leg!!! This is ABUSE!! TOTALLY ABUSING MY LEG!!! After the ice skating, i got to walk HARDER than my friend that walk hard today.... When I am home, I was very tired and want to take bath before i sleep, when the water poured on my leg, some sort of sounds and voices that like "killing a pig" as what chinese always said SHOUTED OUT..... After the shower, I put plaster on the wound that on my leg... My friends felt shocked and ask why i put so many plaster on my leg and ask me " IS THIS A NEW FASHION " ...??!! =.='' <--- The only emotion i can show them.................
Before happy is plan, after plan is have fun, after have fun will be suffer!!! This is the theory in my heart on ice skating, roller or any others extreme games..
Yesterday, 1 of my friend unluckily fell down; Today, 1 of my friend shoes not suitable to her leg and made her got to Walk Hard..... Haha?? God fooling us I think?? Or only fooling my friend?? Walk with a not suitable shoes is just like some sort of abuse... Because i tried before!! (By the way, I laugh in my heart since I been experienced before >.<) (I AM EVIL...)
That incident happened few weeks ago, i went sunway pyramid with my friends and we went ice skating that day... I used to wear a very small size shoes which was just fitted the length of my leg but not the width of my leg!!! This is ABUSE!! TOTALLY ABUSING MY LEG!!! After the ice skating, i got to walk HARDER than my friend that walk hard today.... When I am home, I was very tired and want to take bath before i sleep, when the water poured on my leg, some sort of sounds and voices that like "killing a pig" as what chinese always said SHOUTED OUT..... After the shower, I put plaster on the wound that on my leg... My friends felt shocked and ask why i put so many plaster on my leg and ask me " IS THIS A NEW FASHION " ...??!! =.='' <--- The only emotion i can show them.................
Before happy is plan, after plan is have fun, after have fun will be suffer!!! This is the theory in my heart on ice skating, roller or any others extreme games..
Monday, June 15, 2009
Laborious ( a new word ) >.<''
Today is a laborious day in campus?! YES!!!! I put 1 item that weight 2.4kg in my bag... Then i walk from South to North, from West to East... Haha, a good way to train my stamina?!
Today very tired.... But the work come first before sleep!!! My bed is super warm and waiting me just in a stone's throw away from my seat now... I wan to lie on the bed!!! Haizzzzzz.........!!!!
Today, my friend walk on the floor which is a slope, its very smooth until everything fall on it also will automatically slide away... Erm i do not know how to describe and named it(the floor) is that called slope?!.... If got chance i take pic and show all of you about the EVIL SLOPE....
Today very tired.... But the work come first before sleep!!! My bed is super warm and waiting me just in a stone's throw away from my seat now... I wan to lie on the bed!!! Haizzzzzz.........!!!!
Today, my friend walk on the floor which is a slope, its very smooth until everything fall on it also will automatically slide away... Erm i do not know how to describe and named it(the floor) is that called slope?!.... If got chance i take pic and show all of you about the EVIL SLOPE....
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Story in Penang

This picture i took when we are in Penang, we just back from a raining night walk... We can't get to try all the food there when we been there for 2days... Because the 2days we went there also raining........
Haiya... A trip that got to stay in hotel... No chance to go to the beach that tsunami hit before this... Haiz... Unlucky trip?!?! If i'm not mistaken, this is the second time i went Penang... When is my first time in Penang?? I really can't remember since that already past so many years..
Haha this story should be long enough right Janice??!!
Happy Birthday to all June Baby~
Happy Birthday to Janice-chan, Happy Birthday to ChoiYee-chan, Happy Birthday to Leo-kun, Happy Birthday to KahHui-chan.... All of you getting OLDER already.. >.< Haha, hope you all enjoy ur June Birthday ya~! Leo, sorry that we din't celebrate with you.. Then lastly Kah Hui, hope u enjoy ur FIRST birthday in Kampar...
Night Gathering
Today we made it!! A night that got 4 cars out together... The "101day" that we out together.... Haha!! Really unforgettable night... Hope that there are still chances we can out together ya^.^ I am looking for it!~ By the way, I am tired but I will be happy and enjoy my sleep tonight.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The first time i do mathematics until i feel so so so damn angry just happened...When i am doing my mathematics that need to calculate a lot of thing, my mom come in n talk with me.... Then i got to mix what my mom said and the calculation in my brain.. Then suddenly my BAD FRENZ come and find me... My fren call TEMPER... And HE make me to lose myself. I going to throw the pen away since Mr. T convince me to do that!!! I really need to calm down now......
Sad Song's Function
Only the sad songs can cure one's broken heart!! Agree?? To me, i am 100% agreed!! Haha... Because when u hear the sad song for 1 or 2hours you will slowly feel that the sadness slowly gone... To me, i feel the sad feeling is in everyone after i hear those sad songs....
Friday, June 12, 2009
A night without Facebook... Tonight my computer cannot load facebook page... This is some sort of abuse to me... Why this kind of problem always happen on me?? Who cheers me up when i am sad?? Myself?? Am i tough enough to stand up everytime i fall down??
Cold Night
How do you feel when the world is only you left?? My imagination tell me thats my feeling and how i feel always.... Am i deserve it to feel lonely?? Why i always feel that?? I need some songs that could help me... A cold night.... Hard to pass all the seconds with this feel...
Deepest Breathe In My Life
Problems don't disappear when you are still alive... How to solve the problems?? You will never get any answer from me.. Because i am one of the problematic human group... Haha forgive me if cause you all inconvenience... Pls do not put in ur heart... Because i am also cannot solve this tonight... Sry everybody... Especially CNN... Really sry....
Tiredness on looking for the due date..... At last i still don't know when will be the due date... Maybe was yesterday... Maybe today.... Perhaps god might spare me some times to finish the application form before the due date!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What can i do now?! Wait the time past now?! Print all the application form that i need now?! Do nothing and just sit and rest now?! Can anybody kill me now?! Can i just sleep now!? Can i just play now?! Can i just CALM DOWN NOW?! WHY I CANT DO ALL THE THING NOW?!!!!
God SAVE Me~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is the date i got to hand in all the application form about the ptptn to college S.A.D department.. BUT i havent print it out!!!! Don't know what to do....... I am lacking of time now.. How to buy more time?? Or own more time?!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What i expected for did not happen.. What i din't expects for had happened.. Today volleyball activity is only a basic warm up.. Anyway i feel enjoy since there are lots of information that i gained... After the co-curriculum activity, i went to my aunt house and i feel glad and happy to be there even for just only 1hour... In this 1hour i played with my nephews daughter and i feel pressureLESSness and stressLESSness!!
Mood N Facebook
When my mood is down, Facebook also slow down it running process... Is this fate?! Is that i can't run away from these fate?? I want to make my fate run smoother!! But HOW?! Anyone be my guide light?? Anyone lend me a hand?! Maybe today my mood is really down..
Hard!!! I can't do it without any guide... Pls i really need an example to refer to... I need a senior assignment to refer to....!! Argh~~~ God a~~ Save me la....
This is what my mind thinking about... Its rotating and thinking those which can't help my assignment but a lot of nonsense!! Is this because of human brain too complicated??
This is what my mind thinking about... Its rotating and thinking those which can't help my assignment but a lot of nonsense!! Is this because of human brain too complicated??
Is that songs are some kind of spirit medical?? Do anyone know what song can cure someone heart that have been broke?? I really need a song to cure my broken heart... I need someone to talk to.. I need someone to understand me.. I need someone to prove that i am alife... But who will be the person to help??
When someone sad and he/she never say it out.. What will happen to him/her?? Is that something terrible might be done by he/she in the future?? Can everyone just help the little spirit that hope for life in peace??
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Nervous!!! Thinking a lot of sample outcomes..!! My brain non-stop rotating and thinking about the situation that will happen tomorrow... God pls stop this!!! I can't stand for this any longer!!!
Tomorrow is the first day i got co-curirculum activity!! Very nervous now!!! Haha.. Can't wait to play volleyball!! But i worry that tomorrow is just a lesson for us to listen but not a game for us to enjoy since my friend told me that her badminton activity is only A HISTORY CLASS... =.='''
New Blogger
A blogger.. A blogger job is to write blog everyday? Maybe that is the way i think.. Haha.. Start blogging like start college.. Well my feeling now is quite weird because there's been half year i din't write any essay or article.... I don't know that whether my vocabulary have become worst or better.. But i think my grammar is definitely become worst!! Anyway, i will learn to improve my english in the college.. Time and patient are the things i need in deep!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Wow... A busy night... My eyes is very heavy now... I am going to beat down by SLEEPY soon...
Before i sleep i must at least finish rearrange the data i got!! GAMBATEH!!~~
Before i sleep i must at least finish rearrange the data i got!! GAMBATEH!!~~
Why I create this blog? My brain is also full with question marks which don't have any answer...For fun? As a way to learn english? What is the objectif i open this blog?! Share my heart? Perhaps i can do all of the point that i listed...
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